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Spelt (Triticum spelta), an ancient grain closely related to wheat, has experienced a resurgence due to its rich nutritional profile. This ingredient is often considered a healthier alternative to modern wheat due to its easier digestibility and lower gluten content. Therefore spelt is a popular ingredient in the grains & seeds market.

What is Spelt?

Spelt, an ancient grain closely related to wheat, has been cultivated for thousands of years. Known for its mild, nutty flavor and nutritional content, spelt is often used in whole-grain foods and baked goods. Its resurgence in popularity is due to its status as an ancient grain, appealing to health-conscious consumers.

Types, Varieties & Forms of Spelt

Spelt is available in several forms to cater to diverse dietary and industrial needs:

  • Whole Spelt Grains: Intact kernels used in cooking and baking, providing a chewy texture and robust flavor.
  • Spelt Flour: Milled from whole grains, available in wholemeal or white varieties, commonly used in bread, pastries, and pasta.
  • Spelt Flakes: Steamed and rolled grains, similar to oats, used in cereals, granola, and baking.
  • Spelt Bran: The outer layer of the grain, high in fiber, added to foods to enhance nutritional content.
  • Spelt Semolina: Coarsely ground spelt used in pasta and couscous production.

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Harvest Season of Spelt

Spelt is harvested in late summer to early fall (July to September), similar to other wheat varieties. It is known for being tolerant to cold and can be grown in less fertile soil.

Producing Countries

Spelt cultivation is primarily concentrated in Europe, with several countries leading in production:

  • France: In 2023, France led European spelt and soft wheat production with a value of €9.56 billion, maintaining its position as the top producer.
  • Germany: Following France, Germany showcased stable growth in spelt production, contributing significantly to the European market.
  • Poland: Poland demonstrated notable year-on-year growth in spelt production, emerging as a key player in the European spelt market.
  • United Kingdom: The UK also contributed to European spelt production, following Germany in output.
  • Romania and Sweden: In the organic spelt sector, Romania and Sweden ranked second and third respectively in 2023, with productions of 171.7 and 165.38 thousand metric tons.

These countries have a long-standing tradition of spelt cultivation, particularly in Europe, where spelt-based products are essential to various regional cuisines. The grain's adaptability to different climates and its nutritional benefits contribute to its growing popularity. The United States has seen a growing interest in spelt in recent years, with production mainly concentrated in the Midwest. Spelt is increasingly grown in organic farming systems due to its resilience and nutritional benefits.

Trends & History 

As a heritage grain, spelt has experienced a comeback in markets focused on ancient grains. It’s now widely available in health food stores, used in gluten-conscious diets, and is a staple ingredient in artisanal baking.

Spelt Wholesale

Looking for a trusted source of spelt? Nutrada connects you with reliable spelt suppliers from established production regions. Register on Nutrada to access a network of premium spelt suppliers.

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